Help is available!

Just send an email to during your transition for help with any questions and challenges. These changes in everyday choices can help keep fossil fuels in the ground and prevent as well as improve autism. Thanks so much for everything you can do for the earth, air, and water as well as each other!

History of baking soda from

Here’s a brief history of baking soda.
3500 BC: Ancient Egyptians use natron (primarily comprised of sodium carbonate) as a soap-like cleaning agent. They also use it to make mummies.
1843: Alfred Bird, a British chemist, makes the first version of baking powder to help out his wife, who was allergic to yeast.
1846: The Arm & Hammer brand is created. The iconic logo that exists today – which represents Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and metalworking – isn’t introduced until 1867.
1927: National magazines like Good Housekeeping and McCall’s begin promoting the usefulness of baking soda in the home.
1970: Arm & Hammer is the sole sponsor of the very first Earth Day. Baking soda gains attention as an eco-friendly alternative to chemical cleaners.
1972: A new use for baking soda receives widespread adoption – Americans begin storing a box of baking soda in their refrigerators to keep food fresh.
1986: To celebrate the Statue of Liberty’s 100th birthday, its inner copper walls are cleaned and restored with baking soda, which removes 99 years of grime and leaves the copper undamaged and completely clean.
2000: Things come full circle, and kids begin using baking soda to mummify things like hot dogs for science projects.
Today, baking soda can be found in almost any home. It’s an ingredient in toothpaste, laundry detergent, cat litter, deodorant and antacids. It’s also a main ingredient in fire extinguishers – that’s why baking soda is an excellent way to squelch a grease fire!

Professional experts on the reasons for these concerns that apply to everyone...
In this video they both agree " If you can't eat it then don't put it on your skin or hair"...because chemicals accumulate in the body and adversely affect everyone's health and organ function.

by Joseph Pizzorno
Dr. Mark Hyman, Chairman of IFM, Director of the Cleveland Clinic, Quote:
“Dr. Pizzorno’s Toxin Solution is the definitive book linking the exploding burden of environmental toxins to chronic diseases including autoimmunity, obesity, cancer and more.  The connection between toxins and disease is now as undisputed as it is ignored by the medical community.  For the first time, we have clear roadmap of how these toxins impact our health, but more importantly a practical plan for reducing our exposures and maximizing our body’s own detoxification.  This book should be a mandatory part of all medical school curriculums.  And for any human living in the 21st century seeking to improve their health this book is the essential reading.

There are too many examples to list here so search for summits where these professionals and others are finally speaking out about the chemicals in products harming us as well as nature!
Dr. Zack Bush , MD TRIPLE BOARD CERTIFIED with many YouTube  videos.
Joseph Pizzorno, ND
The Toxin Solution: Essential Keys to Safe and Complete Detoxification
What You'll Learn
- Why you must detoxify these organs in this order
- A stunning new research finding about the primary cause of heart disease cancer, diabetes, and most other diseases (not what we've been told)
- The “health food” that carries arsenic into your body, even from organic sources
- The very common heavy metal revealed to be a primary cause of osteoporosis (and which results from farming practices we must change)

Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC
Minerals, Heavy Metals, and Advanced Detox Strategies and Technology
What You'll Learn
- The #1 way heavy metals are getting into your body (not what you think)
- 2 toxin binders you should consider using
- The detox strategy shown to reduce all-cause mortality by 40%
- The new detox technology that makes detoxification faster and easier than ever

Robert Van Risseghem
Minerals That Heal & How to Increase Food's Mineral Content 10X
What You'll Learn
- Why turmeric from India has high levels of phytonutrients like curcumin
- Why plant-based minerals are far superior to colloidal minerals and supplements
- The potentially cancer-fighting mineral you’ve never heard of that is deficient in American soils
- The essential mineral that correlates strongly with low incidence of cancer and AIDS around the world
- Crucial roles of the mineral molybdenum in the body that you’ve never heard of
- The common food additive that leaches precious minerals from our bodies and increases cancer risk
- A simple step to increase the minerals in food by 10x

Jeffrey M. Smith
Newly Discovered Ways GMOs Can Harm You
What You'll Learn
- The vegetable that is supposedly safe to eat non
-organic but is actually getting sprayed with RoundUp / glyphosate
- The new GMO technology that may be the most dangerous yet
- How to share information about GMOs with other people without making them defensive

Kelly Kennedy
Why Lymphatic Drainage Should Be Your First Step in Detoxification
What You'll Learn
- The seven factors that thicken lymphatic fluid and block lymphatic drainage
- The five most common indications that your lymphatic system is stagnant
- The big mistake most people make when trying to stimulate lymphatic drainage, and the correct way to unblock your lymphatic drainage pathways by

Heartbeat of mother earth summit interview link

In this INTERVIEW ON 'THE HEARTBEAT OF MOTHER EARTH SUMMIT', I speak about my transition from products and the illness that motivated me...

And here it is in audio-only format (mp3):
From Jocelyn Mercado..."The interview is yours to share as you see fit, to offer as a free gift, etc. I kindly ask that if it resonates for you, that you link back to my website ( when you share your Heartbeat Summit."

For information about the genetic rare blood disease that helps me experience the effects of products immediately instead of waiting for accumulations that cause cancers and autism and other ways most people discover these harmful effects...


DRY skin is dead skin and washing our FACE with baking soda removes the residue that is built up from Petrol products, opening the lymph flow again after the accumulations in tissue are cleared. It also brings blood flow into the skin when it turns a little bit pink from the exfoliation and that is the best way to regenerate the SKIN. This has reversed AGING and removed WRINKLES for me over the past 10 years. However, there is a transition period when the accumulation of chemicals are being neutralized by the baking soda that takes about two weeks if there are no other products being used in that time. If other products are used it's similar to trying to go both ways on a one-way Street and can cause some bumps. When the external application of oils is eliminated it is truly amazing how the body can create the perfect oil for our environment and bring a Natural Balance to the skin that I had never experienced before. It is important to carefully choose a TIME when you're comfortable making this transition as well as choosing some other natural things that are helpful along the way. A very light POWDER of bentonite clay will assist pulling toxin accumulations from our skin and also have the appearance of light makeup coverage. A very slight bit of organic sesame or sunflower oil on the EYEBROW and areas that we want to amplify with a little shine can also have subtle appearance to replace makeup. To soothe the skin in the midst of this process, a bit of yogurt used as a face mask occasionally is helpful. Of Course this should be organic plain yogurt that has an anti yeast element and honey can be added if bacteria seems to be present. For inflammation a slice of fresh ginger or a thin paste with ginger powder or honey can be used lightly on  the bump and is wonderful as well as helpful to assist in the detoxification process. Be careful to avoid eyes with ginger on fingertips. For LIPS, ginger juice clears buildup and light pressure brings blood into the area increasing circulation to add color. Beet juice, berries and other color stains can be held with sesame oil or honey.


During cold and flu season a VIRUS can move quickly through the body when encouraged with aloe vera juice and echinachea, which are both antiviral. Walnut hull is an antiviral and anti-parasitic.  Pumpkin seed and cloves also can be eaten around the time of the full moon to discourage PARASITES.  Cloves can also be chewed for TOOTH pain or gargled for sore THROAT.  A COUGH can be discouraged by a tea made from ginger, cinnamon and clove which can be sweetened with honey and55 lemon juice can be added.  OLIVE LEAF is my favorite for antibiotics and parasites! Oregano oil is a natural ANTIBIOTIC but should be used carefully because it can burn. This should be diluted in coconut oil for gargling or topical application.   Ginger tea is also very good as an ANTI-INFLAMMATORY as well as pineapple.  Turmeric can clear the build up of toxins that causes JOINT t pain.   Sassafras tea is a good blood thinner. Sarsperilla tea is a blood cleanser.  Burdock in a stew and beets are both good for the blood.  Anti-bacterials include coconut oil  and grapefruit seed extract.  For burns coconut oil, zinc oxide, aloe vera,  and butter are helpful.My favorite is ORGANIC honey, also an antibacterial!  For indigestion, drink a glass of water with half a teaspoon of baking soda added.  To discourage kidney stones avoid foods containing oxalates such as spinach, cinnamon, collards, etc.  To pass kidney stones drink undiluted lemon juice concentrate.  For dehydration, coconut water which contains electrolytes  helps bring kidneys back in balance.  For food poisonings (%80 of stomach bugs are actually food poisoning) an Ayurvedic remedy is tribulus extract and cranberry which works wonders.  This is also excellent to prevent getting up in the night to pee and urinary tract infection when caught early.   For anaphalactic shock drinking Pellegrino mineral water daily hydrates cell walls and creates balance to avoid this reaction.   When an epi pen is unavailable cocoa beans are a good caffeine source to stimulate the heart rate. Potassium chloride ("No Salt") in a small amount with hydration can also help bring the body back in balance.  This is also helpful for other forms of shock along with hydration.  To help clear exposure to perfumes these three things are helpful, activated charcoal, vitamin E from sunflower oil and bilberry.  For diesel fume exposure chew on a black birch twig.  Red clover can also help clear blood stream after diesel fume exposure.  For pesticide detox,  juniper berries and milk thistle seed can be helpful.  To stop an acute pain from exposure,  activated charcoal, a baking soda bath and carbo loading can be helpful.  Licorice root and rosemary, zinc and magnesium are all beneficial for exposure to these types of toxins.

 Please share your experiences in the comment section or by sending an email to so that we can encourage each other and refine this process.  Photos are also encouraged.


Options to replace DEODORANT include a light spray of MWV(mild white vinegar) or a small diluted drop of GSE(grapefruit seed extract) in the deepest part of the armpit.  As the buildup of petrol chemical neurotoxins are cleared from the body the odor and sweat decreases.  Obviously the food we put in our bodies makes a substantial difference on bodily odors (ie. coffee, alcohol).  Drinking more water than other beverages will also dilute the levels of toxicity excreted, thus diluting bodily odors. Some people can use baking soda or arrowroot under arms to absorb orders. Wiping with a vinegar soaked rag or toilet paper clears odor as it occurs also.

 Please share your experiences in the comment section or by sending an email to so that we can encourage each other and refine this process.  Photos are also encouraged.


One of the cleanest options for men is the electric razor.   Shaving in the shower causes hair to become soft and can be done without shaving creme.  A small mirror that attaches to the shower head that will stay fog free is available and helpful.  If an EMMOLIENT is needed to soften the face then coconut oil or aloe vera can be used on wet skin.  For an AFTERSHAVE diluted vinegar is great.

For women, a small amount of coconut oil(also a nourishing food source and is easily absorbed by the blood stream/ 2 tbs per day can eliminate Alzheimers)  or aloe vera juice.  Lakewood Organic Aloe vera juice or gel (must be refrigerated) or vinegar diluted to your comfort level
can be utilized as an astringent afterwards. Aloe vera is also an anti-viral.

  Please share your experiences in the comment section or by sending an email to so that we can encourage each other and refine this process.  Photos are also encouraged.


For Washing DISHES:  The little ceramic dish sitting by the faucet can hold baking soda to dip the dish cloth or brush or fingers and rub onto surface of the dishes.  Place in the drain and rinse all at once when completed.  The baking soda will absorb oils.  The key is to rub and rinse well.
If oldy moldy stuff is of concern then add two or three drops of GSE(grapefruit seed extract) for
antimicrobial comfort level.  Silverware is continuously cleaned in this way and no tarnish occurs.  The worst BURNT on event can be sprinkled with baking soda and sprayed with food
grade hydrogen peroxide or vinegar and allowed to dry over night.  The carbon build up will flake off when dried.

For automatic DISHWASHERS place a combination of baking soda and borax (naturally occurring Boron) in the washing container and fill the rinse cycle container with the mild white vinegar.  Wipe down COUNTER TOPS with a vinegar soaked cloth. If you have a build up to scrub, a microfiber cloth can be helpful.  On meat GREASE grab a handful of baking soda, scrub in and spray with vinegar so it foams, rinse and repeat if necessary or allow to dry before rinsing.  The SUDS in detergent from sodium laurel sulfate creates a residue
that will take some time to gradually remove with this detox process.  This residue is linked with organ toxicity.  Caution:  Do not mix hydrogen peroxide and vinegar.  Do not use essential oil because most are expressed with HEXANE.  This and the essential oils can cause immunity disorders.

For cleaning OVENS use baking soda strengthened by adding sea salt.

Clean FRIGERATOR and shelves with mild white vinegar.  A little container of baking soda will absorb odors (common knowledge).

For DUST use a mild white vinegar soaked cloth which will kill mold and mold spores and gradually remove product buildup.

WINDOWS may need to be wiped with paper(ex. recycle toilet wrapper from office depot green products NOT newspaper which is toxic) to address streaking after cleaning with MWV(mild white vinegar).

FLOORS can be mopped with straight vinegar or diluted.

For BATHROOMS, everything can be wiped down with vinegar and SOAP SCUM can be scrubbed away with baking soda and vinegar.  Once this is clear you will never have to do this again if soap use is stopped.  The toilet is easiest to clean with a sprinkle of Zeolite left for a little while then brushed and flushed.  Same can be done with Borax, Baking Soda and Vinegar.

When VACUUMING is needed, zeolite or baking soda can be sprinkled on CARPET and vacuumed up safely.  For STAINS repeated layering of baking soda and vinegar will remove most.  Hydrogen Peroxide can safely return things to white.

Laundry Detergent for a front load washer is accomplished with a hand full of baking soda made into a  paste and put into the detergent dispenser.   For top load washers sprinkle baking soda onto the clothing.  Use MWV(mild white vinegar) in fabric softer dispenser.  Do not use ACV(apple cider vinegar) as it will clog lines.  If there is a heavy buildup of SOAP RESIDUE it should be scrubbed off and a clearing load with only baking soda and vinegar should happen with no clothes in the machine.  If dryer sheets or liquid fabric softener has been used no known substance will break down the residues.  Adding sea salt to the baking soda will absorb more oils from perfumes but these are difficult to eliminate.
  Using  Hydrogen Peroxide repeatedly will lessen the oil buildup but it will still continue to spread to other places.  The ultimate clearing of FABRIC is hanging them in sun and rain in winter months when mold is not growing.  The best fabric for protection from residue is merino wool.  This wool will not absorb methylating petrol chemical neurotoxins in the air.  To clean/clear the washing machine and for malfunctioning washing machines use baking soda and/or MWV.  There is also a device that can be added to the water line that makes ozone water which cleans clothes and has a spigot for using ozone water(ex. cleaning fruits and veg and irrigating tooth abscesses).  Water seems to be the best use for ozone. A simple inexpensive ($350) device is available from

For household air quality there is an intelligent machine that has UV, carbon filter and hepa and senses the levels of the air, automatically turning on the system that best addresses what is detected.

Automobiles are a source of heavy buildup for detergent residue from clothes, hands and hair.  This will gradually break down by wiping with vinegar and a spray bottle of straight white vinegar to spritz inside the car each time before exiting.  Also, leave the CAR in the sunshine.  A carbon filter can be added to most cabin air filters to protect against exhaust and residue.  If MOLD is in the air-conditioning vents these can be sprayed with vinegar directly when exiting the car.  A piece of carbon filter by the vents will also absorb the mold.  Wash the outside of  car with diluted vinegar on a rag or sponge.  Vinegar can also clean tires and windows.

 Please share your experiences in the comment section or by sending an email to so that we can encourage each other and refine this process.  Photos are also encouraged.


Baking Soda- the orange box is not the best; reports say it contains aluminum.  Frontier, Bob's Red Mill and Whole Foods bulk is good but pricey.  The ultimate source is from any farm/feed supply store.  Ask for food grade sodium bicarbonate for goats which comes in a 50lb bag for $15.  The local  Asheville area store is Southern States Farm Supply.  Do not ask for baking soda as they will say they do not sell it.

Vinegar-There is a mild white vinegar at Sam's Club that smells of apples for $4 /2 gallons from a company called Daily Chef Food Service.
Organic vinegars are available from also. There is a great inexpensive organic distilled white vinegar called Simple Truth Organic by Kroger. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar by Lakewood organics or Dynamic Health are both my favorites.
Bentonite clay is at health food stores available in bulk or on Amazon. Be sure it is just pure and not in product combinations especially.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide-  Amazon

Zeolite-   Called Sweet PDZ either at farm supply or Amazon...powder for washing machine and granular for hand washing or cleaning.

Carbon Filters with/without Zeolite-  Amazon.  The best is made by Honeywell.  Avoid coconut and bamboo carbon which is chemically processed.

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)- Amazon.  The best is NutriBiotics.  Others maybe synthetically made.

Ozone water machine on Amazon by Ivation at $50 is great for clearing air and water. The best use of ozone is water and drinking it is very helpful for clearing accumulations in lymph and kidneys especially. Also great for clothes and cleaning. E-cloth Microfiber- Amazon.  E-cloth needs time in sun and rain to clear of toxins before use.  Do not use the oven cleaning cloth.

Residue/Products that cannot be cleared are Lysol, perfumes, fabric softeners & dryer sheets,  New clothes have high levels of formaldehyde.  Organic fabrics such as cotton, linen, and merino wool are best but still need to be cleared before wearing.  Light dyes are safer than bright unnatural colors.

New cars offgas the toxin benzine for at least 4 months but some people experience that for years.  A spray bottle of vinegar sprayed often can be helpful as well as an open box of Zeolite or loose carbon filter.  Zeolite and carbon release the toxic chemicals they have absorbed when left in the sunlight but are volatile when moved so use Caution!  UV and sunlight can also be helpful to clear new cars.

 Please share your experiences in the comment section or by sending an email to so that we can encourage each other and refine this process.  Photos are also encouraged.


Dog BATH-  rub in dry baking soda on the dry dog and then rinse until the water runs clear.
For yeast concerns or prevention bathe dog in Nutribiotics GSE by rubbing it into dry fur and skin then rinsing well. This is a quick easy bath only getting them wet once. Diluted vinegar can be used directly on wet or dry dog also.
Flea/tick deterrent- Smudging with sage or cedar smoke is best prevention. Especially around ears and tail. Eucalyptus oil by Aura cacia diluted and sprayed on neck, tail and collar or sprayed on brush and brushed each time after going outside.  Inside back up options include small white supplement bottle with borax and water tucked under or behind furniture near the pet's favorite spot with the lid off.  Both the color white and borax attract the fleas to the bottle and off of the dog. Vinegar sprayed around the area creates an acidic environment that does not support the flea eggs.  Food Grade D.E.(Diatomaceous Earth) can be used also by sprinkling around neck, tail, spine and behind ears and rubbing into skin.

Doggy TREATS-  A can of organic pumpkin  in tablespoon size scoops on a cookie sheet placed in the freezer and then stored there in a container can be given daily as a treat.  This can help loosen stools and clear GI tract.  It also cools the dog's temperature in the summer. Rice cooked until mushy and frozen in the same way is also yummy, crunchy, cooling and absorbs toxins and carries them out of the intestines.
1/4 tsp coconut oil can be helpful for mouth and gums and overall health.  NOTE: rawhide treats are extremely toxic and unregulated but elk and deer antler is a great CHEW TOY.   Dogs that eat kitty poo need tribulus and dried, powdered or juiced cranberry.  Dehydrated dogs can benefit from coconut water without sugar of course.  Pumpkin seeds are really good as an anti-parasite prevention method especially around the full moon.

Getting Rid of Worms-  Olive leaf is the best antiparasite and antibiotic. I put a small amount (1/8TH TSP.) in food for prevention during every full moon when parasites breed) along with pumpkin seeds and brush dogs teeth with black walnut hull and honey on the toothbrush. Two table spoons of D.E. in food twice a day will cure most worm infestations.  To prevent worms dust animal with D.E. as well.

Natural cat litter options-  Use small sized mulch obtained from reputable source(community mulching at landfill/dump) or dirt or cedar shavings.  For protection against worms sprinkle a goodly amount of D.E(Diatomaceous Earth) in the bottom of the box before putting in filler.  Then sprinkle some on top.

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Simple squares of absorbent organic cotton(cotton is a high pesticide crop) covered with wool
from shrunken sweaters or organic merino wool diaper covering pants
to stop leakage.  For baby bottom rash use organic aloe vera juice or ideally a

 Please share your experiences in the comment section or by sending an email to so that we can encourage each other and refine this process.  Photos are also encouraged.