My favorite DAILY TOOTH BRUSHING POWDER is bentonite clay simply sprinkled on the natural bristle or silicon toothbrush. It is gentle and works great for me and my dog. It can relieve pain by packing it around the tooth and painful area because it pulls and absorbs buildup and decreases inflammation, allowing blood flow to increase and clear the problem. Also absorbs toxins in the gut if swallowed.
Sprinkle baking soda, calcium carbonate (supplement form) or activated charcoal onto tooth brush and brush as usual. Baking soda and activated charcoal as well as sea salt are all natural WHITENERS. Spraying teeth with food grade hydrogen peroxide is also a whitener. Rinse with water. These are for occasional use only to protect enamel from abrasives.
GARGLE with baking soda or salt. Ozone water is also amazing. Raw organic honey also balances bacteria.
For long term care SWISHING (also called "oil pulling") with organic sesame oil or sunflower oil 15 minutes before brushing.
Other options for tooth care include horsetail and black walnut hull (also anti-parasite) for regenerating ENAMEL after glycerin toothpaste is discontinued.
Rubbing spots that are darkened with a peeled twig from the black birch tree will
remove the spots and discourage CAVATIES. This is also a natural way to FLOSS.
Temporary FILLINGS can be made with %100 clove oil and zinc oxide
Chewing cloves or fennel seeds as well as black birch twigs and mint leaves can freshen BREATH by actually addressing causes. It is also helpful to occasionally brush with sea salt to balance bacteria but it is too abrasive for everyday use.
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