During cold and flu season a VIRUS can move quickly through the body when encouraged with aloe vera juice and echinachea, which are both antiviral. Walnut hull is an antiviral and anti-parasitic. Pumpkin seed and cloves also can be eaten around the time of the full moon to discourage PARASITES. Cloves can also be chewed for TOOTH pain or gargled for sore THROAT. A COUGH can be discouraged by a tea made from ginger, cinnamon and clove which can be sweetened with honey and55 lemon juice can be added. OLIVE LEAF is my favorite for antibiotics and parasites! Oregano oil is a natural ANTIBIOTIC but should be used carefully because it can burn. This should be diluted in coconut oil for gargling or topical application. Ginger tea is also very good as an ANTI-INFLAMMATORY as well as pineapple. Turmeric can clear the build up of toxins that causes JOINT t pain. Sassafras tea is a good blood thinner. Sarsperilla tea is a blood cleanser. Burdock in a stew and beets are both good for the blood. Anti-bacterials include coconut oil and grapefruit seed extract. For burns coconut oil, zinc oxide, aloe vera, and butter are helpful.My favorite is ORGANIC honey, also an antibacterial! For indigestion, drink a glass of water with half a teaspoon of baking soda added. To discourage kidney stones avoid foods containing oxalates such as spinach, cinnamon, collards, etc. To pass kidney stones drink undiluted lemon juice concentrate. For dehydration, coconut water which contains electrolytes helps bring kidneys back in balance. For food poisonings (%80 of stomach bugs are actually food poisoning) an Ayurvedic remedy is tribulus extract and cranberry which works wonders. This is also excellent to prevent getting up in the night to pee and urinary tract infection when caught early. For anaphalactic shock drinking Pellegrino mineral water daily hydrates cell walls and creates balance to avoid this reaction. When an epi pen is unavailable cocoa beans are a good caffeine source to stimulate the heart rate. Potassium chloride ("No Salt") in a small amount with hydration can also help bring the body back in balance. This is also helpful for other forms of shock along with hydration. To help clear exposure to perfumes these three things are helpful, activated charcoal, vitamin E from sunflower oil and bilberry. For diesel fume exposure chew on a black birch twig. Red clover can also help clear blood stream after diesel fume exposure. For pesticide detox, juniper berries and milk thistle seed can be helpful. To stop an acute pain from exposure, activated charcoal, a baking soda bath and carbo loading can be helpful. Licorice root and rosemary, zinc and magnesium are all beneficial for exposure to these types of toxins.
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Agreed, good information on how to heal simply, using nature's remedies, and self healing wisdom. Well written, Gail.
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ReplyDeleteThanks so much Brent! It's very reassuring to hear this from an experienced Naturopath like you...it seems the N.D. discipline is way ahead of the M.D. in prevention areas such as this.