For Washing DISHES:  The little ceramic dish sitting by the faucet can hold baking soda to dip the dish cloth or brush or fingers and rub onto surface of the dishes.  Place in the drain and rinse all at once when completed.  The baking soda will absorb oils.  The key is to rub and rinse well.
If oldy moldy stuff is of concern then add two or three drops of GSE(grapefruit seed extract) for
antimicrobial comfort level.  Silverware is continuously cleaned in this way and no tarnish occurs.  The worst BURNT on event can be sprinkled with baking soda and sprayed with food
grade hydrogen peroxide or vinegar and allowed to dry over night.  The carbon build up will flake off when dried.

For automatic DISHWASHERS place a combination of baking soda and borax (naturally occurring Boron) in the washing container and fill the rinse cycle container with the mild white vinegar.  Wipe down COUNTER TOPS with a vinegar soaked cloth. If you have a build up to scrub, a microfiber cloth can be helpful.  On meat GREASE grab a handful of baking soda, scrub in and spray with vinegar so it foams, rinse and repeat if necessary or allow to dry before rinsing.  The SUDS in detergent from sodium laurel sulfate creates a residue
that will take some time to gradually remove with this detox process.  This residue is linked with organ toxicity.  Caution:  Do not mix hydrogen peroxide and vinegar.  Do not use essential oil because most are expressed with HEXANE.  This and the essential oils can cause immunity disorders.

For cleaning OVENS use baking soda strengthened by adding sea salt.

Clean FRIGERATOR and shelves with mild white vinegar.  A little container of baking soda will absorb odors (common knowledge).

For DUST use a mild white vinegar soaked cloth which will kill mold and mold spores and gradually remove product buildup.

WINDOWS may need to be wiped with paper(ex. recycle toilet wrapper from office depot green products NOT newspaper which is toxic) to address streaking after cleaning with MWV(mild white vinegar).

FLOORS can be mopped with straight vinegar or diluted.

For BATHROOMS, everything can be wiped down with vinegar and SOAP SCUM can be scrubbed away with baking soda and vinegar.  Once this is clear you will never have to do this again if soap use is stopped.  The toilet is easiest to clean with a sprinkle of Zeolite left for a little while then brushed and flushed.  Same can be done with Borax, Baking Soda and Vinegar.

When VACUUMING is needed, zeolite or baking soda can be sprinkled on CARPET and vacuumed up safely.  For STAINS repeated layering of baking soda and vinegar will remove most.  Hydrogen Peroxide can safely return things to white.

Laundry Detergent for a front load washer is accomplished with a hand full of baking soda made into a  paste and put into the detergent dispenser.   For top load washers sprinkle baking soda onto the clothing.  Use MWV(mild white vinegar) in fabric softer dispenser.  Do not use ACV(apple cider vinegar) as it will clog lines.  If there is a heavy buildup of SOAP RESIDUE it should be scrubbed off and a clearing load with only baking soda and vinegar should happen with no clothes in the machine.  If dryer sheets or liquid fabric softener has been used no known substance will break down the residues.  Adding sea salt to the baking soda will absorb more oils from perfumes but these are difficult to eliminate.
  Using  Hydrogen Peroxide repeatedly will lessen the oil buildup but it will still continue to spread to other places.  The ultimate clearing of FABRIC is hanging them in sun and rain in winter months when mold is not growing.  The best fabric for protection from residue is merino wool.  This wool will not absorb methylating petrol chemical neurotoxins in the air.  To clean/clear the washing machine and for malfunctioning washing machines use baking soda and/or MWV.  There is also a device that can be added to the water line that makes ozone water which cleans clothes and has a spigot for using ozone water(ex. cleaning fruits and veg and irrigating tooth abscesses).  Water seems to be the best use for ozone. A simple inexpensive ($350) device is available from foreverozone.com

For household air quality there is an intelligent machine that has UV, carbon filter and hepa and senses the levels of the air, automatically turning on the system that best addresses what is detected.

Automobiles are a source of heavy buildup for detergent residue from clothes, hands and hair.  This will gradually break down by wiping with vinegar and a spray bottle of straight white vinegar to spritz inside the car each time before exiting.  Also, leave the CAR in the sunshine.  A carbon filter can be added to most cabin air filters to protect against exhaust and residue.  If MOLD is in the air-conditioning vents these can be sprayed with vinegar directly when exiting the car.  A piece of carbon filter by the vents will also absorb the mold.  Wash the outside of  car with diluted vinegar on a rag or sponge.  Vinegar can also clean tires and windows.

 Please share your experiences in the comment section or by sending an email to somethingsimple2saveearth@gmail.com so that we can encourage each other and refine this process.  Photos are also encouraged.

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