In this video they both agree " If you can't eat it then don't put it on your skin or hair"...because chemicals accumulate in the body and adversely affect everyone's health and organ function.
Dr. Mark Hyman, Chairman of IFM, Director of the Cleveland Clinic, Quote:
“Dr. Pizzorno’s Toxin Solution is the definitive book linking the exploding burden of environmental toxins to chronic diseases including autoimmunity, obesity, cancer and more. The connection between toxins and disease is now as undisputed as it is ignored by the medical community. For the first time, we have clear roadmap of how these toxins impact our health, but more importantly a practical plan for reducing our exposures and maximizing our body’s own detoxification. This book should be a mandatory part of all medical school curriculums. And for any human living in the 21st century seeking to improve their health this book is the essential reading.
There are too many examples to list here so search for summits where these professionals and others are finally speaking out about the chemicals in products harming us as well as nature!
Dr. Zack Bush , MD TRIPLE BOARD CERTIFIED with many YouTube videos.
Joseph Pizzorno, ND
The Toxin Solution: Essential Keys to Safe and Complete Detoxification
What You'll Learn
- Why you must detoxify these organs in this order
- A stunning new research finding about the primary cause of heart disease cancer, diabetes, and most other diseases (not what we've been told)
- The “health food” that carries arsenic into your body, even from organic sources
- The very common heavy metal revealed to be a primary cause of osteoporosis (and which results from farming practices we must change)
Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC
Minerals, Heavy Metals, and Advanced Detox Strategies and Technology
What You'll Learn
- The #1 way heavy metals are getting into your body (not what you think)
- 2 toxin binders you should consider using
- The detox strategy shown to reduce all-cause mortality by 40%
- The new detox technology that makes detoxification faster and easier than ever
Robert Van Risseghem
Minerals That Heal & How to Increase Food's Mineral Content 10X
What You'll Learn
- Why turmeric from India has high levels of phytonutrients like curcumin
- Why plant-based minerals are far superior to colloidal minerals and supplements
- The potentially cancer-fighting mineral you’ve never heard of that is deficient in American soils
- The essential mineral that correlates strongly with low incidence of cancer and AIDS around the world
- Crucial roles of the mineral molybdenum in the body that you’ve never heard of
- The common food additive that leaches precious minerals from our bodies and increases cancer risk
- A simple step to increase the minerals in food by 10x
Jeffrey M. Smith
Newly Discovered Ways GMOs Can Harm You
What You'll Learn
- The vegetable that is supposedly safe to eat non
-organic but is actually getting sprayed with RoundUp / glyphosate
- The new GMO technology that may be the most dangerous yet
- How to share information about GMOs with other people without making them defensive
Kelly Kennedy
Why Lymphatic Drainage Should Be Your First Step in Detoxification
What You'll Learn
- The seven factors that thicken lymphatic fluid and block lymphatic drainage
- The five most common indications that your lymphatic system is stagnant
- The big mistake most people make when trying to stimulate lymphatic drainage, and the correct way to unblock your lymphatic drainage pathways by
What You'll Learn
- Why you must detoxify these organs in this order
- A stunning new research finding about the primary cause of heart disease cancer, diabetes, and most other diseases (not what we've been told)
- The “health food” that carries arsenic into your body, even from organic sources
- The very common heavy metal revealed to be a primary cause of osteoporosis (and which results from farming practices we must change)
Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC
Minerals, Heavy Metals, and Advanced Detox Strategies and Technology
What You'll Learn
- The #1 way heavy metals are getting into your body (not what you think)
- 2 toxin binders you should consider using
- The detox strategy shown to reduce all-cause mortality by 40%
- The new detox technology that makes detoxification faster and easier than ever
Robert Van Risseghem
Minerals That Heal & How to Increase Food's Mineral Content 10X
What You'll Learn
- Why turmeric from India has high levels of phytonutrients like curcumin
- Why plant-based minerals are far superior to colloidal minerals and supplements
- The potentially cancer-fighting mineral you’ve never heard of that is deficient in American soils
- The essential mineral that correlates strongly with low incidence of cancer and AIDS around the world
- Crucial roles of the mineral molybdenum in the body that you’ve never heard of
- The common food additive that leaches precious minerals from our bodies and increases cancer risk
- A simple step to increase the minerals in food by 10x
Jeffrey M. Smith
Newly Discovered Ways GMOs Can Harm You
What You'll Learn
- The vegetable that is supposedly safe to eat non
-organic but is actually getting sprayed with RoundUp / glyphosate
- The new GMO technology that may be the most dangerous yet
- How to share information about GMOs with other people without making them defensive
Kelly Kennedy
Why Lymphatic Drainage Should Be Your First Step in Detoxification
What You'll Learn
- The seven factors that thicken lymphatic fluid and block lymphatic drainage
- The five most common indications that your lymphatic system is stagnant
- The big mistake most people make when trying to stimulate lymphatic drainage, and the correct way to unblock your lymphatic drainage pathways by
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